Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pope Benedict instigates move towards Clash of Civilizations

Samuel P. Huntington would be proud.

The Pope -- the bastion of Catholic insight and action -- has incited a religious war with comments he made recently during a speech in Germany.

Now his apologists defend his statements through outdated statements, such as: Turkey has no place in Europe, because Europe is the result of a Christian-based way of life.

I'm sorry, did anyone check the religious convictions of those in the Scandanavian countries? Or what about the religious make-up of France or Belgium or even Germany? These are countries where the majority have opted for a secular way of life -- and those that do have faith are not all Christian based.

And to add fuel to the fire, the great (new) German Pope not only dug at the centuries old wound between Islam and Catholicism, but also defiled those that follow Protestism.

Huntington would be proud, as Pope Benedict has done more for his theory on the clash of civilizations than any inter or intra-state war this century. Rather than acknowledge an evolving morality -- one that enables people to worship, or not, whatever God they choose -- Pope Benedict is creating a hierarchy of faith. Catholicism first, of course, and then all other Christian denominations. All others are infidels with inferior moralities.

The sweet irony is that all faiths embroiled in this mess are monotheistic. All believe in One God; all have common history, common ground (peace, justice and love as principles) and all believe in the morality and responsibility of man. Too bad Pope Benedict does not.

For more information on Clash of Civilations and Samuel P. Huntington go to:

For more information on the Pope contraversy go to:

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