Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Couch Surfing hits cyber community

The weather outside is frightful, but the monitor glows

Right, so the weather is more than a little on the nasty-Great-White-North side. For that reason, I keep this post rather light. However, despite its rather irrevant attitude, I wanted to alert people to this pseudo-service because it exemplifies a) the power of the Internet to connect, b) the generosity of people, c) the ability of values and honour to rise above.

Log on to and then poke around.

You will notice that, as a potential traveller, you have the option of surfing a stranger's couch in some far-flung location. And, yes, it IS legit! People do this all the time; now, however, it's not a knock on the door with a vague verbal introduction from a long, lost friend, it is a cyber-handshake and an address of an Internet buddy.

Check it you dream of sunnier climbs.

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