Friday, August 25, 2006

Women is the N*$%er of the world

A recent editorial from Michael Noer, Executive Director of Forbes Magazine, helps to remind us that 'ism' is still strong and prevalent among the stereotypical male-dominated power centres within the world.

He starts off his article by stating:

"Guys: A word of advice. Marry pretty women or ugly ones. Short ones or tall ones. Blondes or brunettes. Just, whatever you do, don't marry a woman with a career."

Given the reputation Forbes carries as an innovative source for news, views and analysis of the world from a financial perspective, Noer's opinion piece provides a glimpse into the absurd and sexist attitudes that continue to prevail.

The sad fact is, despite any potential tongue-and-cheek naughty opinion piece, these attitudes continue to prevent women from fully and completely accessing their potential. This enforced limitation has a significant impact on the global economy (among other areas).

The fact is, "investing in formal and non-formal education and training for girls and women, with its exceptionally high social and economic return, has proved to be one of the best means of achieving sustainable development and economic growth." -- according to the United Nations World Conference on Women.

One would assume that given the massive impact under-educated and under-employed women have on the world economy, these very same sexist men (and I MEAN sexist) would strive to rectify the situation -- if, for no other reason, than to increase their bottom line.

Yet, men like Noer continue to a) espouse their sexist comments in a public (and formerly respectable forum), b) joke about an issue within a (formerly) respected periodical, thereby diminishing the importance of addressing such issues. Either way, Noer's piece, and Forbes decision to run the piece, is in poor taste and, at least to this feminist, completely unacceptable.

As a result, women across North America are calling on a boycott of Forbes magazine.

I say, go one better, write a letter or piece to Forbes detailing all the reasons why smart, capable and intelligent women no longer need the views and opinions of an outdated, patriarchial periodical such as Forbes -- not when so many other sources are available for news, views and opinions on the financial impact of a free and liberated society.

To read the Forbes article go to:
For more comments on the boycott go to:
For more statistics that actually depict the REAL plight of women across the world go to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe your use of the word "nigger" in your title is inappropriate for the situation, there is a substantial difference between targeting a race of people and targeting a gender, not that one is any worse than the other, or that one should be tolerated any more or less than the other, but there is a difference. Much of the difference stems from the history that is attached to the word that cannot be translated to the case of a gender of people, because it is not the same, you don't see the same level of hatred, complete disregard for humanity, and even the extent to which many whites of the past did not even consider people of color to be human beings, not even worthy of fair treatment and least there is a substantial amount of women who are at least looked upon as human, they may not be on the same level (in all interpretations) as men, but there is a big difference between the struggle women have faced and continue to face today, and the struggle faced by those who had to fight against slavery and inequality on a plethora of levels in societies around the globe. I understand your usage of the phrase, but it strikes me as misinformed.
