Thursday, August 10, 2006

1 Billion Chinese can't be wrong...or can they?

Yes, this may shock a few: but different cultures eat different meat.

Just take a quick gander through the Gatineaus or a query into Quebec’s cuisine – horse meat, anyone?

However, because of my head’s attachment to my stomach (too sensitive) and because of my love for all my brethren canines (no jokes…seriously, no jokes), I just had to post about a “new” boycott being called to target the Chinese.

First it was little kids slaving over toys in a factory. Then the environment and now dogs. When, oh when, will the Chinese NOT be boycotted.

Ok, so I may sound a little cynical, but there is some shred of dignity to these actions…and hence my promotion of the current movement.

The long and short of it (oh, the puns are fast and furious today) is that the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) is asking for a public boycott of ALL goods manufactured in China (not just toys or lacy products).Of course, for many of us, this may mean the reduction or denial of our dollar-store addiction. Gasp!

If you want more info go to:

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