Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lego my bagel -- online petition targetting Dempsters

Hello mates,

It's time again to take the ol' mouse and click with your conscience.

On Metro Morning (CBC) this morning, two young women are calling on Canadians to reduce packaging -- their target (an example only) is a new product by Dempsters.

The new product is a bagel wrapped in hard packaging with diner-style sachets of peanut butter and a plastic knife (all individually wrapped) -- and all of this is triple-wrapped.

Talk about obsessive packaging (and an extraordinary waste). Talk about the rise and rise and rise of our solid waste ( -- wait! Didn't Toronto already go through an ordeal regarding solid waste...did we not learn that disposal is a problem and that reduce, reuse and recycle is essential?).

As a result Amy Nugent and Morwenna White have taken up the fight to reduce packaging. They have started an online petition calling on the government to implement standards and regulations regarding packaging. Their argument (and it is valid) is that voluntary regulation DOES NOT work. Period. And that is true. There are a variety of examples all across the consumer-minefield.

They are also asking people to mail their Dempster bagel back the president of the company. The address is listed on the first layer of packaging.

For the online petition go to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is truly a disaster-in-progress... not to sound alarmist. But I even see examples of excessive packaging in the 'Organics' aisle (where we have the option to buy supposedly healthier or more responsible products, dutifully provided by the same companies making Tranz-Fat-Ahoys). I still think the strongest protest is that of Simply Don't Buy, coupled with regular trips to your local farmer's market (bring bags with you!) and a regimen of weening oneself off of pretty much every convenience product invented. That, to me, is about trumping unsustainability... 'cold turkey'.