Thursday, July 06, 2006

A coup for environmentalists

There is an excellent post on the blogspot: Manndates, regarding the ability of residents near the Port Colborne, ON, Inco plant to launch a class action suit alleging the contamination of their property.

Michelle, a lawyer and columnist, sums up the importance of the current ruling very well -- highlighting the fact that the courts refusal to grant a leave to Inco provides environmentalist all over Canada an opportunity to FINALLY use the judicial system to achieve justice.

The wheels of lady justice may move slowly, but at least they move.

"Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Canada refused leave to Inco, disputing the certification of a class action against it. In Inco Limited v. Wilfred Robert Pearson, thousands of residents of Port Colborne ON, are suing the giant nickel company, alleging contaminants from an Inco plant have devalued their property.The case was certified as a class action, the first long term environmental one in Canada outside Quebec; Inco was seeking to have that certification overturned.The Supreme Court refusal to grant leave to appeal to Inco means the litigation can move forward as a class action.Hailed as a victory by environmentalists, the certification means residents can band together to go after a company/industry that has polluted their community for decades."

more at:

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